Baby announcement beach

Change can be a Good Thing 🌅

This year is already off to a great start! Lots of fun changes coming to Oh Baby. We have been scheming behind the scenes for a while now on how we wanted to go about renovating our scan room. We finally have a plan and we are putting it into place! So, if you pop in for an ultrasound this month, please pardon our dust and know that it is a work in progress. It always looks worse before it gets better, am I right?


Some other fun things to look forward to, fresh, new giveaways! We are currently giving away a "baby moon" or just "need to getaway moon" to a lucky client or prospective client. We have never done this before and I wanted to really think of a giveaway that would give back to our clients. We are so thankful and you Mamas (and Dads) deserve a much needed break!


More fun things on the horizon! Stay tuned...

{photo of my twins when we announced the change of a baby brother on the horizon back in 2018}


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